Thursday, March 23, 2006

My interview with Allen after the race

MM. Unfortunately I was called last and lined up in the rear.
I entered the woods in 5th ,but worked my way to 3rd.
I was just coasting waiting for the second loop to make my pass.
Then my front tire sprang a leak. I had to make a decision once I got to the pit (300yrds away), trust the stans or just put a tube in.
I decided to race on what felt like about 15psi. When the rear tire started to go flat I started riding on the front tire out of the saddle and leaning forward.
Until it got to low and the sidewall went out. Then I was running. I still had fun and learned 2 more lessons.

AF: What song was playing in your head during the race?

MM: Baby got back .

AF: By Sir Mixalot ?

MM: Yes. Hey, where did you get that ice cream?

AF: Over there, it’s free. You want some?

MM: Sure.

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